Arunodoi Academic and Socio-Cultural Development Society (AASDS): (Registered under the Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860), Choladhara Road, Jorhat, Assam Registration No. JOR/238/C/08 of 2006) Arunodoi Academic and Socio Cultural development Society (AASDS) is a non-profit making society registered under the Societies Registration ACT XXI of 1860 (Registration No.: JOR/238/C/08 of 2006). It was founded in Jorhat in the year 2006. Arunodoi Academy in Amguri is conceived and groomed with selfless dedication and honesty by the founder members of the society with the able support of all concerned. The members have the courage and determination to ignore the short-sighted interests and gains for the bigger and greater course of running a quality institution.
Arunodoi Academy in Amguri is not run to make money. It is not surely run only to generate employment. We do run the institution to create a learned and healthy future society. Every employee of our institution is committed to teach, guide and inspire the young students so that they can truely participate in our country's success story. A well thought and balance is maintained between study and extra curriculur activities to keep the interest of the students going. Every member of the Team Arunodoi Academy has the vision to take the instiitution to a level where only performance speaks and quality education do the rest of the talking.
7th State Rank, H.S.L.C., 2018
9th State Rank, H.S. (Science), 2020
1st State Rank, NEET-2020 (AIR:103)
State Highest Mark in Mathematics (100), Advance Mathematics (100) & Social Science (100) in HSLC, 2018